The PLT puts parents in the drivers seat for their child's education.
We empower families through the PLT's four key goals:
Strengthen the representation of immigrant parent voices in southern Nevada.
Build capacity for parents to advocate for their children and other families.
Build strategic relationships to strengthen parent engagement.
Help parents understand and explore their school options.
The Parent Leadership Team of Nevada's mission is to support families as they navigate the education system in Nevada, build their knowledge and capabilities, and empower them to have a voice in their student’s education. The PLT is focused on informing, training, organizing, and advocating for families seeking better outcomes for their children and their future.

The vision of the Nevada Parent Leadership Team is to alleviate barriers so that more students can benefit from the best learning opportunities. Nevada will be a place where immigrant families understand how the education system works, know how to advocate for their children, and have access to resources needed to succeed.